FTC – Day One Competitions – 1/20/24

The first competition of the season consisted of a day filled with ups and downs for the team. The durability of the arm was breaking in on itself throughout the day, which created a challenge of picking up the pixels and placing them on the board. Our main strategy consisted of bringing the pixels over from the back and having our teammates place them on the board for points.

The Hypergiants won their first match in the first round, and additionally placed 5th out of 19 teams for the second round. During the breaks in between rounds, one of our servo motors was stripped and needed to be replaced, with this change we were able to continue on in the competitions with a more reliable arm.

During the final round, Hypergiants placed 5th and were selected for the finals. This means that we are eligible to choose who we wanted on our team for the last round. Team captain, Jedrek Sneary, became an alliance captain of three other teams for the final matches. During that time, there were issues with the stop and front right wheel. We had a last minute crash before the match started, this changed the wheel movements and required a manual fix. Overall, the match ended with a final score of 30-221.

Jedrek Sneary, Evan Holland, Drew Holland, Maddox Nichols and Kevin Carini together after winning the Judge’s Choice award.

Lya Hurst

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