FTC – Day 2 Competitions – 1/21/24

From the previous competition yesterday, there were lots of improvements that have been made to help fix some of the issues battled from the day before. Changes to coding our autonomous, and servo adjustments to the claw has been made to increase the reliability of our robot. Additionally, revisions to the code have allowed the robot’s claw to reach closer to the ground which will make it easier to acquire pixels.

In the first match, partnered with the Harrisonburg High school team, the team decided to keep the same strategy from the previous competition of managing the back and gathering pixels, and then bringing them over for the other team to set on the board. The match ended with a score of 107-51. In the third match, our autonomous scored high points, we were paired with team 19890. During this match, there were issues with the claw’s slow down time which cause for movement restrictions. Pixels were knocked off the board and the round ended with a final score of 148-68. At the end of the first half, the Hypergiants ranked in 21st place.

In the second half, the team won the fourth match with a score of 9-52! Finally, in the last match partnered with the robotanical team, we won the match with a score of 70-28.

Thank you to our sponsors Vistashare and Bridgewater College for supporting our journey this season!

Lya Hurst

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